Death Jr. II: Root of Evil

Death Jr. II: Root of Evil

North American cover, PSP version
Developer(s) Backbone Entertainment
Publisher(s) Konami, Eidos (Wii version)
Platform(s) PlayStation Portable, Wii
Release date(s) PSP
  • NA October 31, 2006
  • EU April 27, 2007
  • AUS May 4, 2007
Genre(s) Action adventure
Mode(s) Single-player, Two Player Ad Hoc
Media/distribution UMD, Wii Optical Disc

Death Jr. II: Root of Evil is the sequel to the PlayStation Portable video game Death Jr. The game has various differences from the first, as it introduces unlimited amount of continues and more cinematics. Additionally, a second playable character is introduced, Pandora. Death, Death Jr.'s father, also makes a cameo.



The game starts out at a Majestic Burger fast food stand. After the employee gives a customer his order, Death steps up to the counter. All Death wants is "A number 4 with hash browns, hold the onions," but the employee runs off scared. Death tries to follow but is interrupted when Furi (in her second form) bursts into the mall and attacks the human patrons. Death tries to stop her, telling Furi that it is not the humans' time to die. After a brief duel, Death is overpowered and enveloped in vines. The timeline jumps backward to DJ and Pandora in the forest. They must find a cocoon or risk failing biology. While searching, DJ takes out a card for Pandora, displaying his affection for her. Just as he's about to give it to her, DJ and Pandora discover a giant cocoon, and as they argue about who should get it, they knock it down and green ooze spills out. Out of the broken cocoon comes Furi (in her original form), and she is angered greatly by the middle-schoolers who knocked her down. She calls herself "icky," while she truely wishes to grow into an all-powerful evil force. For destroying her plan, Furi scares the children off of a cliff, and then goes searching for minions. DJ and Pandora fight through the toy minons Furi creates at the toy cemetery, including Pandora's Baby Burp-Up doll and DJ's action figure Billy Galaxy, who have grown gigantic due to Furi's power. Finally, they make it to the saw mill to rendezvous with their friends. Stigmartha, Smith and Weston discover that Furi is a completely plant based being, and she's growing. Seep suggests killing her with Biocide, which is located at a secret army base under the World of Waffles. After fighting off wooden beavers, anamatronic llamas, and the World of Waffles's giant mascot Louie the Llama, DJ and Pandora launch the Biocide, which angers Furi, and she transforms into her second form and flies off. DJ and Pandora return to the saw mill to find it abandoned and Furi's minions everywhere. Eventually, the gang saves DJ and Pandora by escaping with them in a school bus. Smith and Weston say that they need something stronger than Biocide to kill her. When Seep farts, the twins get an idea and say that they need to get to the mall for supplies. After DJ and Pandora fight some security guard and clothes dummy minions, Smith and Weston gather enough supplies to create a lethal chemical to kill Furi with, using Seep's tank chemicals. They dub the concoction "Seep Juice." As they travel further in the mall, DJ and Pandora discover that Death has been captured by Furi. DJ swears to his father that they will free him. The kids cut their way through the mall, then follow a path made by a giant root that leads to the River Styx. After fighting off some giant minions, such as gargoyles and minotaurs, they find Furi, who is sucking up the river's energy. She transforms into a blob-like, six armed creature (final form), and makes a tree fortress. DJ and Pandora crash it, enter Furi's lair, and after a long battle and a bit of Seep Juice, Furi is defeated. The captured humans and Death are all freed, and Death grounds DJ for a month, but Pandora manages to talk him down to two weeks, since DJ did "save the world." Just as everyone is heading home, Pandora finds DJ's card, reads it, and kisses him.


1. Death Jr. a.k.a. DJ: He is the main protagonist of the game and is just your average, everyday kid, whose dad happens to be the Grim Reaper. What could possibly go wrong? Other than sort of killing things (like half the sixth grade class at his last school) without meaning to. Luckily, he has found a good group of friends at his new school. Of course, if his dad finds out he's unleashed an evil force of nature in their town, it is off to Military School for sure.

2. Pandora: She's cute, smart and doesn't take anything from anyone. Pandora likes hanging out with her fellow freaks because they're more real than the "normal" kids. She's only got one weakness: If there is a door closed, a hallway hidden or a locker locked, Pandora will be hooked. She doesn't look for trouble, but it sure knows how to find her.

3. Smith and Weston: Smith and Weston share one doubly large brain, and with four hands to work with they are born inventors. Smith provides the logic and Weston the random creativity. Sometimes they do not get along, but it is hard to have necessary alone time when you're joined at the head.

4. The Seep: The Seep is an armless, legless, foreign exchange student in a jar. He may not have the best attitude, but keeping your chin up isn't always easy when you live in a vat!

5. Stigmartha: (Marty to her friends) loves school, which alone makes her an outcast, although it is handy when the kids need someone to write a paper for them. She is very bright and wants to be a journalist or novelist when she grows up. Unfortunately, when she gets nervous, she bleeds from her hands!

6. Dead Guppy: Dead Guppy is the wild one of the bunch. Like James Dean, he doesn't need anything specific to rebel against, so long as he can rebel. He's a fighter and a lover and oh yeah, he's dead!

7. Furi: A sexy plant gal with angerment issues and the daughter of Mother Nature, she is the main antagonist in the story. Wishing to increase the size of her evil, she encases herself in a cocoon to transform into a hideous being. DJ and Pandora accidentally release her while she is in her cocoon, which angers her. She transforms into three different forms throughout the game, each one more evil than the last.

8. Death or DJ's father: The Grim Reaper. He is constantly trying to keep DJ out of trouble, but every school he sends his son to ends in disaster. If DJ doesn't shape up soon, he is sending DJ to military school.

DJ's Weapons

1. Pistols: These are DJ's starter weapons. They have good range and do a nice amount of damage. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Twin Pistols.

2. TP Launcher: Throws flaming toilet paper at enemies, causing big explosions. Can be upgraded to Upgraded TP Launcher.

3. Icer: Freezes enemies solid. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Icer.

4. Shotgun: Knocks enemies on their back and causes damage, but is very short range. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Shotgun.

5. Proximity Mine: Dropped out of a backpack, it damages enemies with toxic gas. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Proximity Mine.

6. C4 Hamsters: The name says it all. Can be upgraded to Upgraded C4 Hamsters.

7. Rocket Launcher: Fires rockets at enemies. The aftermath of the explosion damages enemies further. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Rocket Launcher.

8. Electric Gun: Fires electric shocks at enemies. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Electric Gun.

Pandora's Weapons

1. Tommy Gun: This is Pandora's starting weapon. It has nice range and can do a good amount of damage. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Tommy Gun.

2. Freeze Gun: It freezes enemies solid and bounces back to other enemies. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Freeze Gun.

3. Flamethrower: Burns enemies and leaves the floor burning, causing damage to enemies walking on it. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Flamethrower.

4. Shotgun: Knocks enemies on their back and causes damage, but is very short range. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Shotgun.

5. Proximity Mine: Dropped out of a backpack, it damages enemies with toxic gas. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Proximity Mine.

6. Shiny Sparklies: When thrown at enemies, it attaches to the target and explodes. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Shiny Sparklies.

7. Rocket Launcher: Fires rockets at enemies. The aftermath of the explosion damages enemies further. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Rocket Launcher.

8. Electric Gun: Fires electric shocks at enemies. Can be upgraded to Upgraded Electric Gun.


Players can now play as either DJ or Pandora, each of which now have their own special abilities.


  • He does good damage against enemies using his scythe, but his weapons are weaker.
  • Later in the game, buying moves in "The Lab" causes DJ to do different combos.
  • Particularly Small Ham - A 360 spin attack that keeps your enemies at bay.
  • Safety First - A lunging uppercut, sure to knock back any foe.
  • Nimble Monkey Bone - A shockwave smackdown that hits all monsters around you.
  • Bag O' Ninjas - A dizzying somersaulting assault, capable of hitting distant assailants.
  • Grounded Goofy Foot - Achieve great heights while your enemies are thrown back from the concussive blast of your Goofy Foot.
  • He is fast on hooks and rafters but slow in balance beams.


  • She does weak damage on enemies using her whip, but her weapons are stronger.
  • Later in the game, buying moves in "The Lab" causes Pandora to do different combos.
  • After School Special - A swing followed by a 360 spin attack.
  • 720 Incontinent Grandma - Reverse triple backflip...with room for dessert.
  • Band Cramp - Increased 360 range from the After School Special, this attack also causes dizziness and nausea after a meal.
  • Tofu Lunchbox - Cutting 'em down at close range. Shoot 'em down at far range. It's all the same to the Tofu Lunchbox.
  • Childhood Issues - A powerful shockwave that damages and knocks back baddies. Warning: Protective headgear recommended.
  • She is slow on hooks and rafters but fast on balance beams.

Wii version

On February 12, 2008, it was announced that the game would be ported to the Wii.[1] Backbone Entertainment producer James Stanley describes it as the "special edition".

The Wii version has several differences when compared to the PSP version:

  • Instead of destroying background objects, such as lawn gnomes and hay bales, for energy, the Wii version has energy stored in yellow pods, which can be broken open by the player. Energy also floats in various areas throughout the game.
  • In the Wii version, melee moves and weapons do not need to be purchased using energy. Once the weapon parts are collected, the weapon they create is automatically unlocked, and after enough energy is collected, the melee move is automatically unlocked.
  • Some pathways are changed slightly in the Wii version. A few rooms are added or altered, while some are removed entirely.
  • Instead of simply hearing the dialogue of the character being played, all dialogue is heard, both DJ's and Pandora's, regardless if the player is playing as DJ or Pandora.
  • More dialogue and storyline is added during gameplay.
  • Health bars are added for stronger recurring enemies who take multiple hits.
  • When a player is sidestepping, the screen zooms in on the character and the Wii-mote controls where the gun is aiming.
  • Some enemies that appear in the first few levels of the PSP version (such as pods) do not appear until much later in the Wii version.
  • It does not appear that DJ and Pandora do better or worse than each other on beams, rafters, etc. in the Wii version.



  1. ^ a b Leone, Matt (2008-02-12). "Previews: Death Jr. 2". Ziff Davis. Retrieved 2008-02-13. 

External links